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Shilla Nabikolo

Shilla Nabikolo

Yesterday (28th Nov) in Promise Fellowship, we were told to place demands on God, I put many but the one that stands out now is all my life I have been having joint pain whenever I fold my hands as I sleep, and yesterday night I folded them and no pain at all, I did it again to make sure and nothing till now, my elbows are not hurting and I thank God for healing.
Happy Peace

Happy Peace

On Wednesday last week I got home a bit late, so on Thursday mum was complaining about a certain client who hired the tent but returned it with wrong stands and pipes, she had searched for a week but all in vain. So I go in the store to help carry the pipes that were not ours, me I started praying calling what belongs to us, and on that day she went for burial and just said let me try and ask and she found them in the very home they had searched and searched. My sister in law had issues with her left breast, I over heard talking with mum, it was swollen, so painful and the child had spent a week feeding on the right one. She was given all wisdom on how to treat it, so when I asked her if she tried any herb she said no, I just told her certain things need prayers, she just  at me, On Sunday night I prayed about it, early on Monday she was called at her home, so I didn't get an opportunity to ask how she was. Today at around 10 am the baby was suckling on the left breast. I asked her what happened she just told me it just became fine no nothing. I just started Yesterday I prayed for a dead chick And it came back to life. I asked it to rain, but the mother chick is very careless she stayed in the rain. After it had rained,  I was doing my monitoring and that's when I found 3 of them 1 dead, 2 almost dead, 3 so cold. I carried them to the kitchen, I prayed till the dead one started breathing in my hands. I am so glad because all the 3 are doing good. All Glory and Honor to God


Another testified to never missing the Fellowship since it`s launch. At the start of the semester when she found out about The Launch that would happen, she prayed to God that she never misses a fellowship. Since then her timetable was cleared for the afternoon of the Promise. She either ends up having one lecture in the day or two only