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  • #ThePromiseAnniversaryCelebration
    Gratitude Extravaganza!

    We seek and save the lost in church by providing them with access to a genuine Holy Ghost experience.

  • #ThePromiseHighlights
    Come and we celebrate together

    Helping you understand and know your mandate and purpose of God in your life is one of the things that are taught at the promise fellowship

  • #ThePromiseHighlights
    MTN Arena 2023 Chapter

    Come and let's celebrate together as we come to our 1st Promise Anniversary

  • #ThePromiseHighlights
    Theatre Labonita 2023 Chapter

    "When you sign a partnership deal with God, You stop making small plans. You must kill the old nature

  • #ThePromiseHighlights
    Kampala 2023 Chapter

    Come and experience joy unspeakable and full of Glory

We From 5Pm to 8Pm.



  1. To bring the unchurched believers back into fellowship with others
  2. Provide safe ground for those struggling with contracted addictions to find freedom without judgement.
  3. To seek and save the lost in church by providing them access to a genuine Holy Ghost experience.
  4. To raise the Evangelism ministry
  5. Nurture believers unto their calling


Partner with us

An opportunity to partner with The Promise Fellowship to serve the body of Christ and to grow the kingdom of God.

To Partner Click Here