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We exist to bring the unchurched believers back into fellowship with others.

We know what it's like to feel isolated and alone in your faith, and we are a place where anyone can come and find a community of people who will love them just as they are.

Because we know that everyone struggles with addiction in their own way, we strive to provide a safe ground for those struggling with addictions. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance— and that God loves us too much to leave us where we are if He could help us get better.

We seek and save the lost in church by providing them with access to a genuine Holy Ghost experience. Too often, people who attend church feel like they're being told "you're doing it wrong". We want every person who comes through our doors to leave feeling accepted, understood, and loved by Jesus Christ.

We are believers in Christ Jesus. We believe that He is the only way to salvation, and we hold fast to His Word as our ultimate authority.

We believe in the body of Christ—the church—and that we are all part of it. We strive to be Kingdom-minded and to use our gifts for the glory of God.

We are Bible-raised, genuine Holy Ghost experience Christians who value authentic spiritual maturity and gift development.